6th Grade Science Camp

6th Grade students registered for science camp will be bringing home a half-sheet with science camp payment information on Monday 9/9. It will be in your students backpack. Please check with them when they get home.


How to make a payment for Science Camp:


Pleae visit our website at https://www.elportalmiddle.org/ or visit the online store directly at https://osp.osmsinc.com/EscalonUSD/BVModules/CategoryTemplates/Detailed%20List%20with%20Properties/Category.aspx?categoryid=LF002


Click on 6th Grade Science Camp Payment. Please make sure to follow online payment instructions. If you do not have an account set up for online store you will need to create one.


You will need to enter the amount you owe- this will vary depending on which elementary school you attended. You can make payments as well. The full amount will need to be paid by September 18th.

The prices are as follows:
Dent- $125.00
Farmington- $160.00
Van Alen- $210.00
Collegeville- $0

Please see detail information outlined below as a friendly reminder. Looking forward to our 6th graders having an amazing time at camp!



Dr. Eddy and Mrs. Reeves